1. Verify the URL is safe. Many browsers have a little padlock in the URL bar. If the padlock is closed, the URL is safe. If it’s open, you may want to avoid the site.

2. Verify the URL is accurate. Many scammers register fake websites using misspelled URLs or extra numbers to look like the real deal. If the URL looks odd, it’s probably a scam.

3. Use a secure web browser. Firefox and Chrome, for example, always navigate to HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) websites. These websites are more secure than their HTTP counterparts.

4. Don’t click suspicious links or attachments. Never click a link if you can’t verify it first. In fact, it’s better to delete any e-mail you don’t recognize.

5. Always bookmark authentic websites. When you bookmark real websites, you never have to worry about mistyping or clicking scam links.

6. Rely on a password manager. It’s hard to remember strong passwords, but with a password manager, you don’t have to. Never use a bad password again!

7. Use the official mobile apps for online stores. If you download the official app of your favourite online stores, such as Amazon or eBay, you don’t have to worry about accidentally navigating to a scam website. Just make sure the app is verified by Google or Apple.


Lifehacker, Nov. 19, 2019.