INSTANT ACCESS – Free Technology Reports For Your Business

We constantly strive to keep our clients and potential clients as informed as possible, as we strongly believe that an informed client, is a much better client. To that end, we’ve written, and continue to write FREE reports all the time. Below are some of the reports we’ve written.

If you have a suggestion for a report you would like to see written, please let us know on our contact form, and we will try as best as possible to accommodate your request.

Cybersecurity For The Modern Day Business Guide

Online fraud and cybercrime have become increasingly prevalent in today's world, posing serious threats to individuals and businesses alike. To prevent these attacks, we've created a comprehensive guide that outlines the necessary steps for protecting your business and customers.

Read this report and you'll discover:

  • Who are cyber criminals?
  • Protecting your business and customers against cybercrime
  • Ensuring safety while working from home and in the office
  • Increase caution with incoming and outgoing finances

The Cybersecurity Crisis Guide

New and critical protections every small business must have in place NOW to protect their bank accounts, client data, confidential information and reputation from the tsunamic of cybercrime and ransomware.

Read this report and you'll discover:

  • The growth and sophistication of cybercriminals, ransomware and hacker attacks has reached epic levels. CEOs can no longer ignore it or foolishly think, "That won't happen to us."
  • Your business - large OR small - will be targeted and will be compromised UNLESS you take action on the information revealed in this shocking new executive report.

7 Surefire Ways Your IT Tech Is Failing You Guide

Finding an honest and capable computer consultant is a lot like finding an honest mechanic; they both operate in fields where the technician can easily rip off a client because they play on their customer's lack of technical knowledge. The problem is that you won't know you've hired the wrong consultant until you are halfway into your project and have already invested a considerable amount of time and money.

Read this report and you'll discover:

  • If You've Outgrown Your Current "IT Tech"
  • If You're Getting Overcharged By Your Current "IT Tech"
  • If It's Time To Get A New "IT Tech"
  • If Your Current "IT Tech" Is Secretly Failing You

The 21 Critical IT Security Questions Guide

What every business owner MUST know about hiring an honest, competent, responsive and fairly priced IT services firm.

Read this report and you'll discover:

  • The "dirty little secret" of the IT support industry that most people don't know and will never be told by their IT person (this will surprise you).
  • 21 revealing questions that will help you instantly spot an unethical or grossly incompetent IT support technician in minutes.
  • 4 costly misconceptions most business owners have about IT services and what you need to consider when selecting an IT firm.
  • Hackers, ransomware and data theft: what you REALLY need to know to protect yourself from a costly, devastating ransomware attack.

IT Buyers Guide

What you should expect to pay for IT support for your business (and how to get exactly what you need without unnecessary extras, hidden fees, and bloated contracts)

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • The 3 most common ways IT services companies charge for their services, and the pros and cons of each approach.
  • A common billing model that puts ALL THE RISK on you, the customer, when buying IT services; you’ll learn what it is and why you need to avoid agreeing to it.
  • Exclusions, hidden fees and other “gotcha” clauses IT companies put in their contracts that you DON’T want to agree to.
  • 21 revealing questions to ask your IT support firm BEFORE giving them access to your computer network, email and data.

Co-Managed IT Buyers Guide

What if your IT department is overwhelmed, unable to keep up and facing projects they cannot handle on their own, putting you at risk for a significant, expensive IT failure?

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • The signs you may be pushing your IT lead and/or department to the limit.
  • The biggest danger you will face.
  • How your company can be damaged by failing to invest properly in cybercrime prevention and expertise.
  • How growth companies are solving their IT resource dilemma.
  • What to look for in a co-managed IT partner.

Microsoft O365 Guide

With a large majority of businesses moving to cloud-based applications, is it the right move for your business? There are many ways your migration to Office 365 can go wrong, and we are going to show you the one way to avoid them all.

Read this guide and you’ll discover:

  • What exactly Office 365 (O365) is and what it can do for your business.
  • The advantages of moving to the cloud-based application.
  • Commonly overlooked steps and issues in the migration process that can cause unwanted downtime.
  • The one way you can avoid all these costly and inconvenient migration mistakes.

Cybersecurity & Your Business Guide

Viruses. Phishing. Malware infections. Malpractice by employees. Theft of intellectual property. Data ransom and theft. Fraud. Cybercrime is now a leading risk to all businesses.

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • The single most expensive mistake most small business owners make when it comes to protecting their company from cybercriminals.
  • The various practices in place to help build business resiliency.
  • How taking care of your business’ technology helps your business’ bottom-line.
  • The risks you run if you don’t invest in cybersecurity.

Working From Home Guide

If you are the owner of a business that is thinking about implementing a “work from home” program for your employees – or if you want to install a virtual network to enable you and certain key employees and managers to work on the road or from a remote office – DON’T - until you read this eye-opening guide.

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • What “telecommuting” is and why many businesses are rapidly implementing work from home programs.
  • The single most important thing you MUST have in place before starting any work from home or remote office initiative.
  • The Home Office Action Pack to share with your employees should you choose to allow them to work remotely.

Disaster Planning Essentials Guide

In the case of a disaster, don’t lose everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve in an instant!

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • 12 Disaster Recovery Questions You Need To Answer.
  • 4 Questions About Backups That Business Owners Should Know The Answer To.
  • The 7 Disaster Planning Essentials.
  • A Free Disaster Planning Checklist.

Protect Your Data Guide

If your data is important to your business and you cannot afford to have your operations halted for days – even weeks – due to data loss or corruption, then you need to read this report and act on the information shared.

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • What remote, offsite, or managed backups are, and why EVERY business should have them in place.
  • 7 critical characteristics you should absolutely demand from any remote backup service; do NOT trust your data to anyone who does not meet these criteria.
  • Where tape backups fail and give you a false sense of security.
  • Frightening trends, cases, and questions every business owner should know and consider regarding data security.
  • The single most important thing to look for in a remote backup service provider.

Protect Your Identity Guide

What every business owner MUST know to protect against online identity theft. If you want to prevent your personal or business identity from being stolen by a cybercriminal, this report is a MUST read!

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • The top 3 ploys used by online identity thieves to easily gain access to your business & personal information and how to avoid them.
  • Sneaky emails used to steal your identity that you should IMMEDIATELY delete if they land in your inbox.
  • One easy, sure-fire way to keep your network and computers safe and secure from online thieves.
  • What you need to know about the NEW scams being used to steal personal information via social media like Facebook.

Secure Your Network Guide

Cybercrime is at an all-time high, and hackers are setting their sights on small and medium businesses who are “low hanging fruit”. Don’t be their next victim! This report will get you started in protecting everything you’ve worked so hard to build.

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • The single most expensive mistake most small business owners make when it comes to protecting their company data.
  • The universal misconception business owners have about their computer networks, and how it can end up costing thousands in damages.
  • 7 Critical security measures every small business should have in place.
  • Why Cyber-criminals would want to attack YOU!

Outsmarting Hackers Guide

Cybercrime is at an all-time high, and hackers are setting their sights on small and medium businesses who are “low hanging fruit”. Don’t be their next victim!

Read this report and you’ll discover:

  • The single most expensive mistake most small business owners make when it comes to protecting their company data.
  • The universal misconception business owners have about their computer networks, and how it can end up costing thousands in damages.
  • Top 10 ways hackers infiltrate and get access to your entire network.
  • Why Cybercriminals would want to attack YOU!